Customer Relationship Dashboard
We designed application for customer relationship with our clients. This system helped us refresh quality of our services.
User Experience and Interface
web app
Lack of transparency and increasing centralization are alarming trends in digital marketing. The most popular advertising platforms tend to charge high fees and censor unwanted content. Advertisers often have to deal with malicious traffic, while publishers have their revenue reduced by users who block advertisements.
Whole project cost consumes a lot of time and energy. Unclear requirements make estimation and valuation difficult. Creative process require a lot of dialogue. Understanding many channels might be a hassle. Clear task delegation, obvious responsibilities and comprehensive definition of done - these are every manager challenges.

CRM had to redesign their website in a way that would fulfil market requirements. Netguru’s Product Design team worked intensively on creating a fully original design, customised for the industry.
Whole project cost consumes a lot of time and energy. Unclear requirements make estimation and valuation difficult. Creative process require a lot of dialogue. Understanding many channels might be a hassle. Clear task delegation, obvious responsibilities and comprehensive definition of done - these are every manager challenges.
Define the problem
You should seek to define the problem as a problem statement in a human-centred manner.
Collect information
Create sketches, find inspirations and gather data to make your research complete.
Analyze Ideas
Begin to sketch, make, and study so you can start to understand how all the data and information you’ve collected may impact your design.
Develop Solutions
Take your preliminary ideas and form multiple small- scale design solutions.
Improve Your Design
Reflect on all of your feedback and decide if or to what extent it should be incorporated. It is often helpful to take solutions back through the Design Process to refine and clarify them.